This is a traditional ioslides R Markdown template, but modified to contain default content routinely used when introducing Chicago R user group meetups. Slides are useful because they look good and you won’t forget to do important things like thanking the sponsors! Slides can be accessed from within R Studio using the New R Markdown
dialog menu, and then selecting From Template
. One can also use the draft
function, exemplified below.
In Chicago, we think a lot about Pizza. And if one is involved in the local meetup culture, this is doubly so. At a recent meetup group that wasn’t ours, I counted nearly 6 large pizzas left over. Struck by an overwhelming sorrow, I vowed the Chicago R User Group shall never partake in such a tragic waste of resources. With a few data points, one can use the pizza_estimate
function to arrive at a more efficient order.
kable( pizza_estimate(registered = 120, pizza_diameter = 18, attend_rate = 0.57,
serving = 2, style = "thin") )
registered | est_attend | eaters_per_pizza | style | pizza_estimate |
120 | 69 | 5.342811 | thin | 13 |
Channeling our ever-curious pizza scientist, it turns out the Chicago “party cut” (thin-crust cut into small squares) inherits a few very attractive properties when dividing p pizzas among n guests. Small square pieces allow guests to better estimate pizza consumption, thus decreasing the integer-programming problem exacerbated by large triangular slices. Reducing wasted pizza is not only virtuous, it demonstrates great stewardship of sponsor resources bestowed upon thee.
Chicago R User Group data is included and downloaded from Personally identifiable information has been removed, data formatted and ready for analysis.
Load the member list data. How many members do we have?
## [1] 3606
Lets plot the cumulative membership.
plot(y = member_list$Member.ID, x = member_list$Joined.Group.on, type = "l", lwd=2,
col = "blue", frame = FALSE, main = "Chicago R User Group members",
ylab = "Members", xlab = "", ylim = c(0, 4000),
xlim=c(min(member_list$Joined.Group.on), as.Date("2020-01-01")))
How many members joined since January 2017?
## [1] 1554
What percentage of the Chicago R User Group joined since January 2017?
Percentage <- 100 * NROW(subset(member_list, Joined.Group.on > "2017-01-01")) / NROW(member_list)
round(Percentage, 2)
## [1] 43.09
First, get a unique ordered list of Meetup dates
Meetup_dates <- sort(unique(member_list$Last.Attended))
new_members <- subset(member_list, Joined.Group.on > Meetup_dates[NROW(Meetup_dates)])
Then count the number of new members joined between the most recent meetup and the one prior to that.
new_members2 <- subset(member_list, Joined.Group.on <= Meetup_dates[NROW(Meetup_dates)] &
Joined.Group.on > Meetup_dates[NROW(Meetup_dates)-1])
## [1] 67
In danger of repeating the above analysis several times over, we created a function new_mem_counter
to count the number of new members joined between meetups for all meetups in the data set.
new_members <- new_mem_counter(member_list)
# drop the last observation, as incomplete data leading up to the coming meetup.
new_members <- new_members[-NROW(new_members),]
kable(head(new_members), align = 'l')
Date | New |
2010-05-27 | 0 |
2010-08-26 | 20 |
2010-10-20 | 10 |
2010-12-16 | 15 |
2011-03-23 | 34 |
2011-06-02 | 17 |
Date | New | |
65 | 2018-10-16 | 101 |
66 | 2018-11-14 | 52 |
67 | 2019-01-23 | 65 |
68 | 2019-02-27 | 50 |
69 | 2019-03-20 | 19 |
70 | 2019-05-15 | 66 |
Which gap between meetups had the most new members?
Date | New | |
37 | 2016-06-05 | 157 |
Note the previous meetup was 6 months prior, so likely this was not due to the topic covered.
What is the average number of new members joined between meetups?
## [1] 49.54286
Plot the new members
# Create Date Range Index
Date_Index <- as.numeric(row.names(new_members[new_members$Date > "2010-01-01" & new_members$Date <= Sys.Date(),]))
# Create x-axis labels, using year-month date format
x_labels <- format(new_members$Date[Date_Index], "%Y-%m")
# Plot
barplot(new_members$New[Date_Index], names.arg = x_labels, main = "CRUG members, joined between meetups",
ylab = "New Members", xlab = "")
Plot the new members
data since 2017.
# Create Date Range Index
Date_Index <- as.numeric(row.names(new_members[new_members$Date > "2017-01-01" & new_members$Date <= Sys.Date(),]))
x_labels <- format(new_members$Date[Date_Index], "%Y-%m")
# Plot
barplot(new_members$New[Date_Index], names.arg = x_labels, las=2, main = "CRUG members, joined between meetups",
ylab = "New Members", xlab = "")
What is the average number of new members joined between meetups since 2017?
## [1] 64.33333
Load and use the xts
members_xts <- xts(x = member_list$Member.ID, = member_list$Joined.Group.on)
names(members_xts) <- "useRs"
plot(members_xts, col = "blue", grid.col = "white", main = "Chicago R User Group members by join date")
members_monthly <- to.monthly(members_xts, OHLC = FALSE)
barplot(diff(members_monthly), col = "lightgrey", main = "Chicago R User Group, new members by month")
Omit the first two months growth outliers.
barplot(100*diff(members_monthly)[-c(1,2)]/members_monthly[-c(1,2)], col = "lightgrey",
main = "CRUG Growth since inception", ylab="Percent")
Let’s view the last 4 years.
members_3_years <- 100*diff(members_monthly["2015-05/"]) / members_monthly["2015-05/"]
barplot(members_3_years, col = "lightgrey", main = "CRUG Growth, last 4 years", ylab="Percent")
Consider seasonal variation.
month_percent_growth <- c(NA, NA, NA, NA, 100*diff(log(coredata(members_monthly))), NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA)
seasonal_matrix <- matrix(month_percent_growth, ncol = 12, byrow = TRUE)
colnames(seasonal_matrix) <-
rownames(seasonal_matrix) <- 2010:2019
seasonal_matrix <- rbind(seasonal_matrix, Median=round(apply(seasonal_matrix, 2, median, na.rm=TRUE), 2))
kable(seasonal_matrix, digits=2, caption = "Percentage Growth per Month")
Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec | |
2010 | NA | NA | NA | NA | 32.54 | 5.41 | 8.41 | 17.69 | 6.54 | 8.49 | 2.30 | 17.66 |
2011 | 8.22 | 5.96 | 11.69 | 2.18 | 8.28 | 3.90 | 3.75 | 6.53 | 7.21 | 2.64 | 8.48 | 3.76 |
2012 | 7.54 | 8.99 | 9.67 | 8.82 | 13.07 | 5.54 | 5.25 | 7.39 | 6.66 | 8.31 | 7.29 | 2.81 |
2013 | 5.92 | 3.42 | 3.15 | 5.55 | 5.55 | 2.59 | 3.91 | 6.74 | 4.13 | 2.18 | 1.43 | 1.18 |
2014 | 1.97 | 4.70 | 2.91 | 4.37 | 5.06 | 1.82 | 1.97 | 2.30 | 2.25 | 3.67 | 3.54 | 1.56 |
2015 | 4.15 | 3.23 | 3.42 | 2.53 | 2.33 | 2.14 | 2.16 | 2.51 | 1.04 | 2.80 | 2.23 | 1.88 |
2016 | 2.20 | 1.75 | 0.92 | 1.37 | 1.18 | 2.59 | 2.95 | 2.56 | 2.14 | 1.35 | 0.99 | 1.03 |
2017 | 3.21 | 2.38 | 2.86 | 1.38 | 2.18 | 2.35 | 1.92 | 1.68 | 2.21 | 2.98 | 2.67 | 0.60 |
2018 | 2.15 | 2.35 | 2.93 | 3.25 | 2.33 | 1.47 | 3.00 | 1.47 | 1.20 | 2.30 | 1.57 | 0.50 |
2019 | 1.42 | 1.12 | 0.74 | 1.21 | 0.95 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Median | 3.21 | 3.23 | 2.93 | 2.53 | 3.69 | 2.59 | 3.00 | 2.56 | 2.25 | 2.80 | 2.30 | 1.56 |
As one of the largest and oldest R
user groups in existence, the Chicago R
User Group has matured into a comfortable period of value. Growth rates are lower by percentage, but the group continues to serve a steady group of new useR